Starting from basic science we seek to make the field of zoology useful to management and conservation of natural resources. In this framework our research is addressed to set up interoperable networks of biodiversity databases at different geographical scales: regional (OBL: Regional Biodiversity Observatory of Latium), national (NNB: National Biodiversity Network) and international (LifeWatch). We carry out Biodiversity mapping using geographic information systems (GIS) and develop predictive models of species distribution in space and time.
Osservatorio Regionale per la Biodiversità del Lazio" (OBL)
The OBL was established in 2001 as a collaborative project involving the other Universities of Rome (Sapienza and RomaTRE) and Viterbo (La Tuscia University) and it is funded by the Lazio Region. The OBL database is populated with occurrence data of plant and animal species coupled with webGIS applications. It represents the necessary informational reservoir for further developments in the fields of biodiversity monitoring, conservation and landscape genetics.
We are in the core group of partners of the framework project “Sistema Ambiente 2010” (2010 Environment System), supported by the Italian Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea Protection (MATTM), which promotes the planning and establishing of the National Network of Biodiversity (NNB) in Italy. The NNB portal ( allows an easy access to retrieve information from a pool of presently existing scientific databases on biodiversity in Italy in order to contribute to a better diffusion of information on biodiversity by making it available for basic and applied research. For this national project, we have also made available the OBL database and the "Nature 2000 species DNA Barcode Database" set up by ZEB, Tor Vergata University, Department of Biology, Roma.
Martellos, S., Attorre, F., De Felici, S., Cesaroni, D., Sbordoni, V., Blasi, C. and Nimis, P.L. 2011. Plant sciences and the Italian National Biodiversity Network. Plant Biosystems: 145 (4): 758-761.
De Felici S., Cesaroni D., Lucarelli M., Pinzari M., Russo T., Pinzari M., De Persiis G., Sbordoni V. 2011. Le farfalle diurne nella banca dati dell'Osservatorio della Biodiversità del Lazio: un racconto lungo 170 anni. XXXVIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Biogeografia, Roma 14-17 dicembre 2011. Abstract: 14.
Riccarducci G., Casella L., Angelini P., Canali E., Cesaroni D., De Felici S., Laureti L., Spada F., Sbordoni V. 2011. Test di associazione tra sistemi di vegetazione e farfalle: una potenziale applicazione della Carta della Natura. XXXVIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Biogeografia, Roma 14-17 dicembre 2011. Abstract: 47.
Sbordoni V., S.De Felici e D.Cesaroni. 2008. Un osservatorio per la biodiversità. p. 87-113. In: G.Biondi, F.Ghione, O.Rickards e V.Sbordoni (eds.) Evoluzioni – Le scienze tra natura e numeri. Mostre a Villa Mondragone, 6: 160pp. Centro Rappresentanza Villa Mondragone, Università di Roma Tor Vergata. ISBN 978-88-95688-02-2.
De Felici, S., Lucarelli, M., & Sbordoni, V. 2005. Assessing conservation status of butterflies at the regional scale: Analysing data from the biodiversity observatory of Latium, Italy.. In R.F. E. Kühn (a cura di), Studies on the ecology and conservation of butterflies in Europe. Vol. 1 : General concepts and case studies. (pp. 78-81). Sofis-Moscow: Pensoft Publishers.